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bank holdup

См. также в других словарях:

  • holdup — noun 1) I ran into a series of holdups Syn: delay, setback, hitch, snag, obstruction, difficulty, problem, trouble, stumbling block; informal tie up, logjam; traffic jam, gridlock, bottleneck, roadblock; snarl up, glitch …   Thesaurus of popular words

  • holdup — Synonyms and related words: afterthought, armed robbery, arrest, arrestation, arrestment, asportation, assault and robbery, banditry, bank robbery, bind, block, blockage, blocking, bureaucratic delay, cattle lifting, cattle stealing, check,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • Santa Claus Bank Robbery — The Santa Claus Bank RobberyThe Santa Claus Bank Robbery occurred on December 23, 1927 in the Central Texas town of Cisco. Marshall Ratliff, dressed as Santa Claus, along with Henry Helms and Robert Hill, all ex cons, and Louis Davis, a relative… …   Wikipedia

  • Dog Day Afternoon — Dog Day Afternoon …   Wikipedia

  • Portugal — /pawr cheuh geuhl, pohr /; Port. /pawrdd too gahl /, n. a republic in SW Europe, on the Iberian Peninsula, W of Spain. (Including the Azores and the Madeira Islands) 9,867,654; 35,414 sq. mi. (91,720 sq. km). Cap.: Lisbon. * * * Portugal… …   Universalium

  • Tony Chebatoris — Anthony Chebatoris (1898 ndash; 1938), was the only person executed for a capital crime in Michigan since it became a state in 1837. He was tried and executed by the federal authorities. Michigan abolished the death penalty over 90 years before… …   Wikipedia

  • List of recurring characters in Dick Tracy — The comic strip Dick Tracy has introduced numerous characters.AlliesTracy family* Dick Tracy The title character of the strip. Born 1909 (eight years after Creator Chester Gould). In 1931, before even joining the Police, he had captured his first …   Wikipedia

  • Terrorism in the United States — A common definition of terrorism is the systematic use or threatened use of violence to intimidate a population or government and thereby effect political, religious, or ideological change.cite web|url= http://www.britannica.com/eb/article… …   Wikipedia

  • duress — du·ress /du̇ res, dyu̇ / n [Anglo French duresce, literally, hardness, harshness, from Old French, from Latin duritia, from durus hard]: wrongful and usu. unlawful compulsion (as threats of physical violence) that induces a person to act against… …   Law dictionary

  • Film noir — Two silhouetted figures in The Big Combo (1955). The film s cinematographer was John Alton, the creator of many of film noir s iconic images …   Wikipedia

  • List of terrorist incidents, 1970 — The following is a timeline of acts and failed attempts that can be considered non state terrorism in 1970.*flag|Switzerland flag|Israel, February 21: A bomb explodes in the rear of Swissair Flight 330, causing it to crash near Zürich, killing 38 …   Wikipedia

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